Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (ICD-9 202)

The highest incidence rates in both sexes were in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (males 80-93/106, females 55-63/106) and the lowest ones in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania (males 17-26/106, females 10-15/106). The same countries also showed extremes in mortality. The mortality/incidence ratio in Estonia and Latvia was somewhat higher than in other countries.

The age curves for the Nordic countries showed a consistent increase in incidence and mortality rate by age, whereas those for the Baltic countries and Poland turned downwards after the age of 65-75.


Development in diagnostic methods has affected the incidence rates of non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma. This development has not been parallel in time in different areas. A prerequisite of being classified as a lymphoma patient is that a histological diagnosis is available. Thus, the frequency of histological verification of cancer in general is likely to influence the spatial variation in the incidence of non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma.


National rates incidence & mortality males females
  mortality/incidence males females
Age curves incidence (Est+Lat, Nordic, GDR+Saa) males females
  mortality (Est+Lat, Nordic, GDR+Saa) males females
Map incidence males females
  mortality males females
