Hodgkin's disease (ICD-9 201)

There was almost no variation in incidence of Hodgkin's disease between the country-specific averages. High rates were, however, seen in parts of Russia, and there was a large variation within some other countries, too. The mortality rate both in males and females was lowest in Iceland, followed by Sweden and Norway, indicating the lowest mortality/incidence ratio in these countries.

The age-incidence curves in females in all areas had the first peak around the age of 25 and the second one around 75. In males, the incidence was more even in all ages, and in mortality the old-age peak was much higher.


The causes of Hodgkin's disease are largely unknown. There is a possibility that in countries with limited diagnostic facilities some cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma may be classified as Hodgkin's disease; this seems to be the case especially in the mortality statistics.


National rates incidence & mortality males females
  mortality/incidence males females
Age curves incidence (Nordic, Lat+Est, GDR+Saa) males females
  mortality (Nordic, Lat+Est, GDR+Saa) males females
Map incidence males females
  mortality males females
