All sites C00-96,D32-33,D42-43,D45-47,D76 2848 11340 18603 26825
Mouth, pharynx C00-14 65 241 365 608
  Lip C00 8 39 73 174
  Tongue C02 16 46 63 92
  Mouth, other C03-06 14 53 81 114
  Salivary glands C07-08 4 22 38 71
  Pharynx C01,C09-14 23 81 110 157
Digestive organs C15-26 453 1537 2294 3257
  Oesophagus C15 14 37 52 65
  Stomach C16 56 131 186 334
  Small intestine C17 10 40 66 99
  Colon C18 179 676 1018 1451
  Rectum, rectosigmoid C19-20 133 486 756 1051
  Anus C21 1 9 15 19
  Liver C22 18 59 75 88
  Gallbladder, bile ducts C23-24 12 34 43 52
  Pancreas C25 28 57 75 90
  Other digestive organs C26 2 8 8 8
Respiratory organs C30-39 178 436 587 782
  Nose, sinuses C30-31 3 13 18 32
  Larynx, epiglottis C32 17 69 127 196
  Lung, trachea C33-34 150 342 428 531
  Mediastinum, pleura C38 3 5 6 12
Bone C40-41 4 21 26 87
Melanoma of the skin C43 158 631 990 1511
Skin, non-melanoma C44 206 763 1102 1464
Mesothelioma C45 4 12 16 19
Autonomic nervous system C47 1 3 5 24
Soft tissues C48-49 17 63 123 233
Breast C50 5 24 35 49
Male genital organs C60-63 1137 5227 9237 12577
  Prostate C61 1093 5056 8931 11971
  Testis C62 34 134 251 528
  Other male genital C60,C63 10 37 55 78
Urinary organs C64-68 238 1012 1601 2390
  Kidney C64 80 329 529 847
  Bladder and urinary tract1 C65-68 158 683 1072 1543
Eye C69 3 11 25 83
Brain, central nervous system C70-72,D32-33,D42-43 52 227 428 933
Thyroid gland C73 24 114 176 354
Other endocrine glands C74-75 1 11 13 36
Illdefined or unknown C76,C80 46 96 118 148
Lymphoid and haematopoietic tissue C81-96,D45-47,D76 256 911 1462 2270
  Hodgkin lymphoma C81 24 96 169 386
  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma C82-86,C96,D76 109 435 721 1055
  Malignant immunoproliferative diseases C88 2 17 28 30
  Myeloma and other plasma cell tumors C90 22 69 96 119
  Leukaemia C91-95 73 214 345 566
  Myelodysplastic syndromes D46 4 15 16 17
  Myeloproliferaitive neoplasms D45,D47 22 65 87 97
Not included above
  Basal cell carcinoma of the skin 668 3492 5702 8729
1 PUNLMP and ca in situ of the uroepithelium are included.