All sites C00-96,D32-33,D42-43,D45-47,D76 2040 29.8 5.0 4.0 15.5 9.7 5.7 30.3
Mouth, pharynx C00-14 42 22.0 2.4 18.7 4.8 1.0 14.8 36.4
  Lip C00 11 49.1 - - - - 1.9 49.1
  Tongue C02 6 22.6 - 12.9 6.5 3.2 19.4 35.5
  Mouth, other C03-06 10 10.4 4.2 14.6 6.3 - 22.9 41.7
  Salivary glands C07-08 4 26.3 5.3 10.5 - 5.3 10.5 42.1
  Pharynx C01,C09-14 12 5.2 3.4 44.8 8.6 - 19.0 19.0
Digestive organs C15-26 406 10.1 5.9 8.0 17.5 11.9 13.4 33.3
  Oesophagus C15 27 11.0 2.2 11.0 24.3 12.5 11.8 27.2
  Stomach C16 54 5.9 1.5 7.4 25.0 11.0 18.8 30.5
  Small intestine C17 10 5.8 3.8 5.8 19.2 7.7 23.1 34.6
  Colon C18 102 10.7 10.4 7.6 10.9 10.5 15.4 34.4
  Rectum, rectosigmoid C19-20 71 11.8 14.0 18.5 8.1 11.5 10.4 25.8
  Anus C21 3 13.3 20.0 - 13.3 6.7 13.3 33.3
  Liver C22 41 18.9 0.5 2.4 12.1 4.9 6.8 54.4
  Gallbladder, bile ducts C23-24 12 16.4 - 3.3 9.8 14.8 14.8 41.0
  Pancreas C25 78 5.9 0.8 3.1 31.4 16.8 12.1 29.9
  Other digestive organs C26 6 - - - 13.3 33.3 16.7 36.7
Respiratory organs C30-39 271 8.6 1.5 8.8 26.8 15.2 8.6 30.6
  Nose, sinuses C30-31 4 18.2 4.5 - 13.6 - 13.6 50.0
  Larynx, epiglottis C32 13 25.8 6.1 6.1 3.0 1.5 10.6 47.0
  Lung, trachea C33-34 252 7.4 1.3 9.0 28.4 16.1 8.3 29.6
  Mediastinum, pleura C38 1 16.7 - 16.7 - 50.0 16.7 -
Bone C40-41 4 31.6 - - 21.1 10.5 5.3 31.6
Melanoma of the skin C43 64 25.9 0.9 5.0 6.3 2.5 9.7 49.7
Skin, non-melanoma C44 110 45.3 - - 0.5 0.4 0.7 53.1
Mesothelioma C45 6 10.7 - 7.1 14.3 3.6 10.7 53.6
Autonomic nervous system C47 1 25.0 - - - 75.0 - -
Soft tissues C48-49 12 20.0 - - 16.7 6.7 6.7 50.0
Breast C50 2 45.5 - 36.4 - - - 18.2
Male genital organs C60-63 624 47.6 10.3 1.0 8.5 6.0 0.8 25.7
  Prostate C61 600 47.5 10.6 0.7 8.6 6.1 0.8 25.8
  Testis C62 17 55.2 - 3.4 6.9 3.4 2.3 28.7
  Other male genital C60,C63 6 41.9 12.9 22.6 6.5 3.2 - 12.9
Urinary organs C64-68 188 54.1 3.9 2.9 8.5 4.2 2.0 24.4
  Kidney C64 74 50.3 5.4 2.4 13.2 7.8 1.1 19.7
  Bladder and urinary tract1 C65-68 114 56.6 3.0 3.2 5.4 1.8 2.6 27.4
Eye C69 3 15.4 - - 7.7 15.4 7.7 53.8
Brain, central nervous system C70-72,D32-33,D42-43 49 96.8 - - - - - 3.2
Thyroid gland C73 22 32.4 2.8 1.9 4.6 1.9 11.1 45.4
Other endocrine glands C74-75 1 16.7 - - - 16.7 - 66.7
Illdefined or unknown C76,C80 35 - - 1.2 21.4 29.5 20.8 27.2
Lymphoid and haematopoietic tissue C81-96,D45-47,D76 202 4.2 - 0.4 42.3 23.8 2.6 26.8
  Hodgkin lymphoma C81 12 1.6 - - 25.8 6.5 1.6 64.5
  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma C82-86,C96,D76 84 9.2 - 0.9 25.1 10.9 5.5 48.3
  Malignant immunoproliferative diseases C88 2 - - - 75.0 25.0 - -
  Myeloma and other plasma cell tumors C90 28 0.7 - - 57.4 36.2 1.4 4.3
  Leukaemia C91-95 52 0.4 - - 65.3 29.0 - 5.4
  Myelodysplastic syndromes D46 9 - - - 57.4 38.3 - 4.3
  Myeloproliferaitive neoplasms D45,D47 13 - - - 27.7 66.2 - 6.2
Not included above
  Basal cell carcinoma of the skin 471 100.0 - - - - - 0.0
1 Excludes basal cell carcinomas of the skin.