All sites C00-96,D32-33,D42-43,D45-47,D76 3853 15500 25517 45168
Mouth, pharynx C00-14 61 246 392 620
  Lip C00 6 28 38 68
  Tongue C02 15 54 99 145
  Mouth, other C03-06 24 80 116 170
  Salivary glands C07-08 6 31 64 121
  Pharynx C01,C09-14 10 53 75 116
Digestive organs C15-26 510 1700 2630 4198
  Oesophagus C15 12 29 36 45
  Stomach C16 33 95 164 340
  Small intestine C17 14 58 94 146
  Colon C18 221 867 1317 2095
  Rectum, rectosigmoid C19-20 107 409 701 1160
  Anus C21 12 39 68 94
  Liver C22 19 42 51 60
  Gallbladder, bile ducts C23-24 20 35 45 69
  Pancreas C25 70 122 150 185
  Other digestive organs C26 2 4 4 4
Respiratory organs C30-39 174 455 598 806
  Nose, sinuses C30-31 12 25 31 42
  Larynx, epiglottis C32 1 19 37 49
  Lung, trachea C33-34 157 402 519 693
  Mediastinum, pleura C38 1 3 4 7
Bone C40-41 5 19 30 95
Melanoma of the skin C43 222 1057 1599 2638
Skin, non-melanoma C44 187 747 1068 1400
Mesothelioma C45 5 9 9 12
Autonomic nervous system C47 - 4 4 26
Soft tissues C48-49 33 127 188 359
Breast C50 1440 6483 11314 20061
Female genital organs C51-58 391 1571 2596 5571
  Cervix uteri C53 53 173 294 886
  Corpus uteri C54 172 839 1459 2997
  Uterus, other C55,C58 - 2 4 32
  Ovary C56 93 343 538 1209
  Other female genital C51-52,C57 73 214 301 447
Urinary organs C64-68 163 575 943 1544
  Kidney C64 88 317 527 863
  Bladder and urinary tract1 C65-68 75 258 416 681
Eye C69 2 17 38 124
Brain, central nervous system C70-72,D32-33,D42-43 140 657 1206 2486
Thyroid gland C73 134 465 773 1807
Other endocrine glands C74-75 9 28 36 77
Illdefined or unknown C76,C80 55 132 195 262
Lymphoid and haematopoietic tissue C81-96,D45-47,D76 322 1208 1898 3081
  Hodgkin lymphoma C81 13 70 147 385
  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma C82-86,C96,D76 141 590 959 1488
  Malignant immunoproliferative diseases C88 5 20 32 42
  Myeloma and other plasma cell tumors C90 42 151 194 240
  Leukaemia C91-95 57 227 361 665
  Myelodysplastic syndromes D46 7 18 21 26
  Myeloproliferaitive neoplasms D45,D47 57 132 184 235
Not included above
  Carcinoma in situ of the breast D05 122 571 1106 1746
  Cervix uteri, non-invasive neoplasms 295 1361 2501 5785
  Borderline tumour of the ovary D39 48 166 297 662
  Basal cell carcinoma of the skin 1291 6185 10467 16813
1 PUNLMP and ca in situ of the uroepithelium are included.