Leinonen, M.K., Anttila, A. and Nieminen, P.: Papilloomavirustartunta ja HPV-testin toimivuus kohdunkaulan syövän seulonnassa. (Cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and use of HPV testing in cervical cancer screening). Suom. Lääk.-L. 2015; 70: 1243-1250. (in Finnish) (in Finnish)
Leinonen, M.: Prevalence of HPV infection and use of HPV test in cervical cancer screening: Randomised evaluation within the organised cervical cancer screening programme in Finland. Doctor's Thesis. Medical Faculty of the University of Helsinki. Unigrafia Oy, Helsinki 2013.
Leinonen, M.K., Anttila, A., Malila, N., Dillner, J., Forslund, O. and Nieminen, P.: Type- and age-specific distribution of human papillomavirus in women attending cervical cancer screening in Finland. Br. J. Cancer 2013; 109: 2941-2950.
Malila, N., Leinonen, M., Kotaniemi-Talonen, L., Laurila, P., Tarkkanen, J. and Hakama, M.: The HPV test has similar sensitivity but more overdiagnosis than the Pap test - A randomised health service study on cervical cancer screening in Finland. Int. J. Cancer 2013; 132: 2141-2147.
Malila, N., Leinonen, M., Kotaniemi-Talonen, L., Laurila, P., Tarkkanen, J. and Hakama, M.: HPV-testi on yhtä herkkä kuin papakoe, mutta ylidiagnostiikka on suurempaa. Duodecim 2013; 129: 365.The HPV test has similar sensitivity but more overdiagnosis than the Pap test - A randomised health service study on cervical cancer screening in Finland. Int. J. Cancer 2013; 132: 2141-2147. (in Finnish, with English summary)
Leinonen, M.K., Nieminen, P., Lönnberg, S., Malila, N., Hakama, M., Pokhrel, A., Laurila, P., Tarkkanen, J. and Anttila, A.: Detection rates of precancerous and cancerous cervical lesions within one screening round of primary human papillomavirus DNA testing: prospective randomised trial in Finland. BMJ 2012;345:e7789.
Lönnberg, S., Leinonen, M., Malila, N. and Anttila, A.: Validation of histological diagnoses in a national cervical screening register. Acta Oncol. 2012; 51: 37-44.
Anttila, A., Kotaniemi-Talonen, L., Leinonen, M., Hakama, M., Laurila, P., Tarkkanen, J., Malila, N. and Nieminen, P.: Rate of cervical cancer, severe intraepithelial neoplasia, and adenocarcinoma in situ in primary HPV DNA screening with cytology triage: randomised study within organised screening programme. Brit. Med. J. 2010; 340:c1804, doi:1136/bmj.c1804.
Leinonen, M., Nieminen, P., Kotaniemi-Talonen, L., Malila, N., Tarkkanen, J., Laurila, P. and Anttila, A.: Age-specific evaluation of primary human papillomavirus screening vs conventional cytolocy in a randomised setting. J. Natl Cancer Inst. 2009; 101: 1612-1623.
Leinonen, M., Kotaniemi-Talonen, L., Anttila, A., Dyba, T., Tarkkanen, J. and Nieminen, P.: Prevalence of oncogenic human papillomavirus infection in an organised screening population in Finland. Int. J. Cancer 2008; 123: 1344-1349.