PUBLICATIONS FROM THE FINNISH CANCER REGISTRY 1953-2016 by T. Luostarinen   20.09.2016

2015   2014   2013   2012   and earlier


Faust, H., Andersson, K., Luostarinen, T., Gislefoss, R.E. and Dillner, J.: Cutaneous human papillomaviruses and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: nested case-control study. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2016; 25: 721-724.

Karjalainen, L., Anttila, A., Nieminen, P., Luostarinen, T. and Virtanen, A.: Self-sampling in cervical cancer screening: comparison of a brush-based and a lavage-based cervicovaginal self-sampling device. BMC Cancer 2016 16:221, doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2246-9.


Luostarinen, T.: Joint effects of infections with different types of human papillomavirus on risk of cervical neoplasia. Doctor's Thesis. Medical Faculty of the University of Helsinki, Helsinki 2015.

Virtanen, A., Anttila, A., Luostarinen, T., Malila, N. and Nieminen, P.: Improving cervical cancer screening attendance in Finland. Int. J. Cancer 2015; 136: E677-E684.


Niironen, M., Sarkeala, T., Anttila, A., Nieminen, P., Luostarinen, T. and Virtanen, A.: Miksi nainen ei osallistu kohdunkaulan syövän seulontaan? Suom. Lääk.-L. 2014; 48: 3249-3253 (in Finnish)

Virtanen, A., Nieminen, P., Niironen, M., Luostarinen, T. and Anttila, A.: Self-sampling experiences among non-attendees to cervical screening. Gynecol. Oncol. 2014; 135: 487-494.


Andersson, K., Luostarinen, T., Söderlund Strand, A., Langseth, H., Gislefoss, R.E., Forslund, O., Pawlita, M., Waterboer, T. and Dillner, J.: Prospective study of genital human papillomaviruses and non-melanoma skin cancer. Int. J. Cancer 2013; 133: 1840-1845.

Luostarinen, T., Namujju, P.B., Merikukka, M., Dillner, J., Hakulinen, T., Koskela, P., Paavonen, J., Surcel, H.-M. and Lehtinen, M.: Order of HPV/Chlamydia infections and cervical high-grade precancer risk: a case-cohort study. Int. J. Cancer 2013; 133: 1756-1760.

Lönnberg, S., Nieminen, P., Luostarinen, T. and Anttila, A.: Mortality audit of the Finnish cervical cancer screening programme. Int. J. Cancer 2013; 132: 2134-2140.

Pyysalo, L., Luostarinen, T., Keski-Nisula, L. and Öhman, J.: Long-term excess mortality of patients with treated and untreated unruptured intracranial aneurysms. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 2013; 84: 888-892.

Rana, M.M., Huhtala, H., Apter, D., Eriksson, T., Luostarinen, T., Natunen, K., Paavonen, J., Pukkala, E. and Lehtinen, M.: Understanding long-term protection of human papillomavirus vaccination against cervical carcinoma: cancer registry-based follow-up. Int. J. Cancer 2013; 132: 2833-2838.

Virtanen, A., Nieminen, P., Malila, N., Luostarinen, T. and Anttila, A.: Itse otettavat näytteet ja uusintakutsut lisäävät osallistumista kohdunkaulasyöpää ehkäiseviin seulontoihin. (Self-sampling and reminder letters increase participation in the Finnish cervical cancer screening programme) Duodecim 2013; 129: 1709-1717. (in Finnish, with English summary)


Andersson, K., Michael, K.M., Luostarinen, T., Waterboer, T., Gislefoss, R., Hakulinen, T., Forslund, O., Pawlita, M. and Dillner, J.: Prospective study of human papillomavirus seropositivity and risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2012; 175: 685-695.

Lönnberg, S., Anttila, A., Luostarinen, T. and Nieminen, P.: Age-specific effectiveness of the Finnish cervical cancer screening programme. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2012; 21: 1354-1361.

Lönnberg, S., Nieminen, P., Kotaniemi-Talonen, L., Kujari, H., Melkko, J., Granroth, G., Vornanen, M., Pietiläinen, T., Arola, J., Tarkkanen, J., Luostarinen, T. and Anttila, A.: Large performance variation does not affect outcome in the Finnish cervical cancer screening programme. Cytopathology 2012; 23: 172-180.


Arnheim Dahlström, L., Andersson, K., Luostarinen, T., Thoresen S., Ögmundsdottir, H., Tryggvadóttir, L., Wiklund, F., Skare, G.B., Eklund, C., Sjölin, K., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Wadell, G., Lehtinen, M. and Dillner, J.: Prospective seroepidemiologic study of human papillomavirus and other risk factors in cervical cancer. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2011; 20: 2541-2550.

Hakulinen, T., Arbyn, M., Brewster, D.H., Coebergh, J.W., Coleman, M.P., Crocetti, E., Forman, D., Gissler, M., Katalinic, A., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E., Rahu, M., Storm, H., Sund, R., Törnberg, S. and Tryggvadóttir, L.: Harmonization may be counterproductive - at least for parts of Europe where public health research operates effectively. Eur. J. Public Health 2011; 21: 686-687.

Virtanen, A., Anttila, A., Luostarinen, T. and Nieminen, P.: Self-sampling versus reminder letter: effects on cervical cancer screening attendance and coverage in Finland. Int. J. Cancer 2011; 128: 2681-2687.

Virtanen, A., Nieminen, P., Luostarinen, T. and Anttila, A.: Self-sample HPV tests as an intervention for nonattendees of cervical cancer screening in Finland: a randomized trial. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2011; 20: 1960-1969.


Langseth, H., Luostarinen, T., Bray, F. and Dillner, J.: Ensuring quality in studies linking cancer registries and biobanks. Acta Oncol. 2010; 49: 368-377.

Lönnberg, S., Anttila, A., Kotaniemi-Talonen, L., Kujari, H., Melkko, J., Granroth, G., Vornanen, M., Pietiläinen, T., Sankila, A., Arola, J., Luostarinen, T. and Nieminen, P.: Low proportion of false-negative smears in the Finnish program for cervical cancer screening. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2010; 19: 381-387.

Toriola, A.T., Surcel, H.-M., Agborsangaya, C., Grankvist, K., Luostarinen, T., Lukanova, A., Pukkala, E. and Lehtinen, M.: Independent and joint effects of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and calcium on ovarian cancer risk: a prospective nested case-control study. Eur. J. Cancer 2010; 46: 2799-2805.


Simen-Kapeu, A., Luostarinen, T., Jellum, E., Dillner, J., Hakama, M., Koskela, P., Lenner, P., Löve, A., Mahlamäki, E., Thoresen, S., Tryggvadóttir, L., Wadell, G., Youngman, L. and Lehtinen, M.: Is smoking an independent risk factor for invasive cervical cancer? A nested case-control study within Nordic biobanks. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2009; 169: 480-488.

Tedeschi, R., Luostarinen, T., Marus, A., Bzhalava, D., Ögmundsdottir, H.M., Dillner, J., De Paoli, P., Surcel, H.-M., Pukkala, E., Lehtinen, M. and Lehtinen, T.: No risk of maternal EBV infection for childhood leukemia. Cancer Epidem. Biomarkers Prev. 2009; 18: 2790-2792.


Läärä, E., Luostarinen, T., Hakulinen, T., Lyytikäinen, O., Sarna, O., Virtala, A.-M., Riihimäki, H. and Hakama, M.(Ed.).: The English-Finnish-English Vocabulary in Epidemiology. Suomen Epidemiologian Seura ja Duodecim 2008 Helsinki (in Finnish).,


Koskinen, W.J., Brøndbo, K., Mellin Dahlstrand, H., Luostarinen, T., Hakulinen, T., Leivo, I., Molijn, A., Quint, W.G., Røysland, T., Munck-Wikland, E., Mäkitie, A.A., Pyykkö, I., Dillner, J., Vaheri, A. and Aaltonen, L.M.: Alcohol, smoking and human papillomavirus in laryngeal carcinoma: a Nordic prospective multicenter study. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 2007; 133: 673-678.

Pukkala, E., Andersen, A., Berglund, G., Gislefoss, R., Gudnason, V., Hallmans, G., Jellum, E., Jousilahti, P., Knekt, P., Koskela, P., Kyyrönen, P., Lenner, P., Luostarinen, T., Löve, A., Ögmundsdóttir, H., Stattin, P., Tenkanen, L., Tryggvadóttir, L., Virtamo, J., Wadell, G., Widell, A., Lehtinen, M. and Dillner, J.: Nordic biological specimen banks as basis for studies of cancer causes and control - more than 2 million sample donors, 25 million person years and 100,000 prospective cancers. Acta Oncol. 2007; 46: 286-307.


Lehtinen, M., Apter, D., Dubin, G., Kosunen, E., Isaksson, R., Korpivaara, E.L., Kyhä-Österlund, L., Lunnas, T., Luostarinen, T., Niemi, L., Palmroth, J., Petäjä, T., Rekonen, S., Salmivesi, S., Siitari-Mattila, M., Svartsjö, S., Tuomivaara, L., Vilkki, M., Pukkala, E. and Paavonen, J.: Enrolment of 22,000 adolescent women to cancer registry follow-up for long-term human papillomavirus vaccine efficacy: marching towards outcomes and guarding against guessing. Int. J. STD AIDS 2006; 17: 517-521.

Lehtinen, M., Idänpään-Heikkilä, I., Lunnas, T., Palmroth, J., Barr, E., Cacciatore, R., Isaksson, R., Kekki, M., Koskela, P., Kosunen, E., Kuortti, M., Lahti, L., Liljamo, T., Luostarinen, T., Apter, D., Pukkala, E. and Paavonen, J.: Population-based enrolment of adolescents in a long-term follow-up trial of human papillomavirus vaccine efficacy. Int. J. STD AIDS 2006; 17: 237-246.


Anttila, T., Tenkanen, L., Lumme, S., Leinonen, M., Gislefoss, R.E., Hallmans, G., Thoresen, S., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Stattin, P., Saikku, P., Dillner, J., Lehtinen, M. and Hakama, M.: Chlamydial antibodies and risk of prostate cancer. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2005; 14: 385-389.

Korodi, Z., Dillner, J., Jellum, E., Lumme, S., Hallmans, G., Thoresen, S., Hakulinen, T., Stattin, P., Luostarinen, T., Lehtinen, M. and Hakama, M.: Human papillomavirus 16, 18 and 33 infections and risk of prostate cancer: A Nordic nested case-control study. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2005; 14: 2952-2955.

Nieminen, P., Kotaniemi, L., Hakama, M., Tarkkanen, J., Martikainen, J., Toivonen, T., Ikkala, J., Luostarinen, T. and Anttila, A.: A randomised public-health trial on automation-assisted screening for cervical cancer in Finland: Performance with 470,000 invitations. Int. J. Cancer 2005; 115: 307-311.

Stolt, A., Kjellin, M., Sasnauskas, K., Luostarinen, T., Koskela, P., Lehtinen, M. and Dillner, J.: Maternal human polyomavirus infection and risk of neuroblastoma in the child. Int. J. Cancer 2005; 113: 393-396.

Tedeschi, R., Luostarinen, T., De Paoli, P., Gislefoss, R.E., Tenkanen, L., Virtamo, J., Koskela, P., Hallmans, G., Lehtinen, M. and Dillner, J.: Joint Nordic prospective study on human herpesvirus 8 and multiple myeloma risk. Br. J. Cancer 2005; 93: 834-837.


Bjorge, T., Engeland, A., Luostarinen, T., Mork, J., Gislefoss, R.E., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Lehtinen, M., Pukkala, E., Thoresen, S.O. and Dillner, J.: Corrigendum: Human papillomavirus infection as a risk factor for anal and perianal skin cancer in a prospective study (Correction to Br. J. Cancer 2002: 87: 61-64). Br. J. Cancer 2004; 91: 1226.

Hakama, M., Luostarinen, T. and Hakulinen, T.: Survival of in situ carcinoma of cervix uteri: A 50-year follow-up in Finland. Int. J. Cancer 2004; 112: 1072-1074.

Kotaniemi, L., Anttila, A., Luostarinen, T. and Nieminen, P.: Yksi kuva, monta tulkintaa: Kolposkopiadiagnostiikan nykypäivää Suomessa Suom. Lääk.-L. 2004; 12: 1291-1295. (in Finnish)

Luostarinen, T., Lehtinen, M., Bjorge, T., Abeler, V., Hakama, M., Hallmans, G., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Lenner, P., Lie, A.K., Paavonen, J., Pukkala, E., Saikku, P., Sigstad, E., Thoresen, S., Youngman, L.D., Dillner, J. and Hakulinen, T.: Joint effects of different human papillomaviruses and Chlamydia trachomatis infections on risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri. Eur. J. Cancer 2004; 40: 1058 - 1065.

Sarkeala, T., Anttila, A., Forsman, H., Luostarinen, T., Saarenmaa, I. and Hakama, M.: Process indicators from ten centres in the Finnish breast cancer screening programme from 1991 to 2000. Eur. J. Cancer 2004; 40: 2116-2125.

Stattin, P., Lumme, S., Tenkanen, L., Alfthan, H., Jellum, E., Hallmans, G., Thoresen, S., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Lehtinen, M., Dillner, J., Stenman, U.-H. and Hakama, M.: High levels of circulating testosterone are not associated with increased prostate cancer risk: a pooled prospective study. Int. J. Cancer 2004; 108: 418-424.

Tuohimaa, P., Tenkanen, L., Ahonen, M., Lumme, S., Jellum, E., Hallmans, G., Stattin, P., Harvei, S., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Dillner, J., Lehtinen, M. and Hakama, M.: Both high and low levels of blood vitamin D are associated with a higher prostate cancer risk: a longitudinal, nested case-control study in the Nordic countries. Int. J. Cancer 2004; 108: 104-108.

Tuohimaa, P., Tenkanen, L., Ahonen, M., Lumme, S., Jellum, E., Hallmans, G., Stattin, P., Harvei, S., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Dillner, J., Lehtinen, M. and Hakama, M.: Metabolism of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, may explain the U-shaped risk curve for prostate cancer. Int. J. Cancer 2004; 111: 469.


Lehtinen, M., Pawlita, M., Zumbach, K., Lie, K., Hakama, M., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Luostarinen, T., Paavonen, J., Pukkala, E., Sigstad, E., Thoresen, S. and Dillner, J.: Evaluation of antibody response to human papillomavirus early proteins in women in whom cervical cancer developed 1 to 20 years later. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 2003; 188: 49-55.


Bjorge, T., Engeland, A., Luostarinen, T., Mork, J., Gislefoss, R.E., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Lehtinen, M., Pukkala, E., Thoresen, S.O. and Dillner, J.: Human papillomavirus infection as a risk factor for anal and perianal skin cancer in a prospective study. Br. J. Cancer 2002; 87: 61-64.

Hemminki, E., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E., Apter, D. and Hakulinen, T.: Oral contraceptive use before first birth and risk of breast cancer: A case control study. BMC Women´s Health 2002; 2: 9.

Sigstad, E., Lie, A.K., Luostarinen, T., Dillner, J., Jellum, E., Lehtinen, M., Thoresen, S. and Abeler, V.: A prospective study of the relationship between prediagnostic Human Papillomavirus seropositivity and HPV DNA in subsequent cervical carcinomas. Br. J. Cancer 2002; 87: 175-180.

Stattin, P., Adlercreutz, H., Tenkanen, L., Jellum, E., Lumme, S., Hallmans, G., Harvei, S., Teppo, L., Stumpf, K., Luostarinen, T., Lehtinen, M., Dillner, J. and Hakama, M.: Circulating enterolactone and prostate cancer risk: a Nordic nested case-control study. Int. J. Cancer 2002; 99: 124-129.

Wallin, K.-L., Wiklund, F., Luostarinen, T., Ångström, T., Anttila, T., Bergman, F., Hallmans, G., Ikäheimo, I., Koskela, P., Lehtinen, M., Stendahl, U., Paavonen, J. and Dillner, J.: A population-based prospective study of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and cervical carcinoma. Int. J. Cancer 2002; 101: 371-374.


Hakama, M., Luostarinen, T., Hallmans, G., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Lehtinen, M., Thoresen, S., Youngman, L. and Hakulinen, T.: Joint effect of HPV16 with chlamydia trachomatis and smoking on risk of cervical cancer: antagonism or misclassification (Nordic countries) Cancer Causes Control 2000; 11: 783-790.

Heiskanen, I., Luostarinen, T. and Järvinen, H.J.: Impact of screening examinations on survival in familial adenomatous polyposis. Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 2000; 35: 1284-1287.

Kibur, M., af Geijerstamm, V., Pukkala, E., Koskela, P., Luostarinen, T., Paavonen, J., Schiller, J., Wang, Z., Dillner, J. and Lehtinen, M.: Attack rates of human papillomavirus type 16 and cervical neoplasia in primiparous women and field trial designs for HPV16 vaccination. Sex. Transm. Infect. 2000; 76: 13-17.

Koskela, P., Anttila, T., Bjorge, T., Brunsvig, A., Dillner, J., Hakama, M., Hakulinen, T., Jellum, E., Lehtinen, M., Lenner, P., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E., Saikku, P., Thoresen, S., Youngman, L. and Paavonen, J.: Chlamydia trachomatis infection as a risk factor for invasive cervical cancer. Int. J. Cancer 2000; 85: 35-39.

Lehtinen, M., Kibur, M., Luostarinen, T., Anttila, A. and Pukkala, E.: Prospects for phase III-IV HPV vaccination trials in the Nordic countries and in Estonia. J. Clin. Virol. 2000; 19: 113-122.


Dickman, P.W., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E., Sankila, R., Söderman, B. and Teppo, L.: Survival of cancer patients in Finland 1955-1994. Acta Oncol. 1999; 38: Suppl. 12.

Lehtinen, M., Luostarinen, T., Youngman, L.D., Anttila, T., Dillner, J., Hakulinen, T., Koskela, P., Lenner, P. and Hallmans, G.: Low levels of serum vitamins A and E in blood and subsequent risk for cervical cancer: Interaction with HPV seropositivity. Nutr. Cancer 1999; 34: 229-234.

Luostarinen, T.: Letter to the Editor (Bashir, S.A., Duffy, S.W.: Correction of risk estimates for measurement error in epidemiology. Meth. Inform. Med. 1995: 34: 503-510. Meth. Inform. Med. 1999; 38: 74.

Luostarinen, T.: Methods for correcting risk estimates. Letter to the editor. (Reponse to: Bashir, S.A. and Duffy, S.W.: Correction of risk estimates for measurement error in epidemiology. Meth. Inform. Med. 1995: 34: 503-510.) Meth. Inform. Med. 1999; 38: 74.

Luostarinen, T., af Geijersstam, V., Björge, T., Eklund, C., Hakama, M., Hakulinen, T., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Paavonen, J., Pukkala, E., Schiller, J.T., Thoresen, S., Youngman, L.D., Dillner, J. and Lehtinen, M.: No excess risk of cervical carcinoma among women seropositive for both HPV16 nad HPV6/11. Int. J. Cancer 1999; 80: 818-822.

Teppo, L., Dickman, P.W., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E., Sankila, R. and Söderman, B.: Cancer patient survival - patterns, comparisons, trends. A population-based cancer registry study in Finland. Acta Oncol. 1999; 38: 283-294.


Bjorge, T., Dillner, J., Anttila, T., Engeland, A., Hakulinen, T., Jellum, E., Lehtinen, M., Luostarinen, T., Paavonen, J., Pukkala, E., Sapp, M., Schiller, J., Youngman, L. and Thoresen, S.: Prospective seroepidemiological study of role of human papillomavirus in non- cervical anogenital cancers. Brit. Med. J. 1997; 315: 646-649.

Bjorge, T., Hakulinen, T., Engeland, A., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Lehtinen, M., Luostarinen, T., Paavonen, J., Sapp, M., Schiller, J., Thoresen, S., Wang, Z., Youngman, L. and Dillner, J.: A prospective, seroepidemiological study of the role of human papillomavirus in esophageal cancer in Norway. Cancer Res. 1997; 57: 3989-3992.

Dillner, J., Lehtinen, M., Björge, T., Luostarinen, T., Youngman, L., Jellum, E., Koskela, P., Gislefoss, R.E., Hallmans, G., Paavonen, J., Sapp, M., Schiller, J. T., Hakulinen, T., Thoresen, S. and Hakama, M.: Prospective seroepidemiologic study of human papillomavirus infection as a risk factor for invasive cervical cancer. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 1997; 89: 1293-1299.


Lehtinen, M., Dillner, J., Knekt, P., Luostarinen, T., Aromaa, A., Krinbauer, R., Koskela, P., Paavonen, J., Peto, R., Schiller, J.T. and Hakama, M.: Serologically diagnosed infection with human papillomavirus type 16 and and risk for subsequent development of cervical carcinoma: nested case-control study. Brit. Med. J. 1996; 312: 537-539.

Lehtinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Dillner, J., Aromaa, A., Hakama, M., Hakulinen, T., Knekt, P., Leinikki, P., Lumio, J., Lähdeaho, M.-L., Maatela, J., Teppo, L. and Lehtinen, M.: Serum p53 accumulation and altered antibody responses to Epstein-Barr virus proteins precede diagnosis of haemopoetic malignancies of lymphoid origin. Brit. J. Haematol. 1996; 93: 104-110.

Tretli, S., Engeland, A., Haldorsen, T., Hakulinen, T., Hörte, L.G., Luostarinen, T., Schou, G., Sigvaldason, H., Storm, H.H., Tulinius, H. and Vaittinen, P.: Prostate cancer - look to Denmark? J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 1996; 88: 128.


Engeland, A., Haldorsen, T., Tretli, S., Hakulinen, T., Hörte, L.-G., Luostarinen, T., Schou, G., Sigvaldason, H., Storm, H.H., Tulinius, H. and Vaittinen, P.: Prediction of cancer mortality in the Nordic countries up to the years 2000 and 2010, on the basis of relative survival analysis: A collaborative study of the five Nordic cancer registries. Acta Path. Microbiol. Immunol. Scand. 1995; 103: Suppl. 49.

Engeland, A., Haldorsen, T., Tretli, S., Hakulinen, T., Hörte, L.-G., Luostarinen, T., Schou, G., Sigvaldason, H., Storm, H.H., Tulinius, H. and Vaittinen, P.: Prediction of cancer mortality in the Nordic countries up to the years 2000 and 2010, on the basis of relative survival analysis. Technical Report No. 1. Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo 1995.

Luostarinen, T., Hakulinen, T. and Pukkala, E.: Cancer risk following a community-based programme to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Int. J. Epidemiol. 1995; 24: 1094-1099.


Lehtinen, M., Dillner, J., Aromaa, A., Aaran, R.-K., Hakulinen, T., Knekt, P., Leinikki, P., Luostarinen, T., Maatela, J., Paavonen, J. and Hakama, M.: IgG antibodies to human papillomavirus type 16 and serum retinol may jointly protect against cervical neoplasia. In: Immunology of Human Papillomaviruses. Ed. M.A. Stanley. Plenum Press, New York, 1994, pp. 113-118.

Lehtinen, T., Lehtinen, M., Luostarinen, T., Dillner, J., Hakama, M., Hakulinen, T., Knekt, P., Leinikki, P., Maatela, J. and Teppo, L.: Accumulation of serum p53 and high EBNA antibody levels preceding diagnosis of lymphoid malignancies. In: Proceedings of the XVI International Cancer Congress, New Delhi (India), October 30 - November 5, 1994. Eds. R.S. Rao, M.G. Deo and L.D. Sanghvi. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna 1994, pp. 2535-2539.

Reissigova, J., Luostarinen, T., Hakulinen, T. and Kubik, A.: Statistical modelling and prediction of lung cancer mortality in the Czech and Slovak republics, 1960-1999. Int. J. Epidemiol. 1994; 23: 665-672.


Engeland, A., Haldorsen, T., Tretli, S., Hakulinen, T., Hörte, L.G., Luostarinen, T., Magnus, K., Schou, G., Sigvaldason, H., Storm, H.H., Tulinius, H. and Vaittinen, P.: Prediction of cancer incidence in the Nordic countries up to the years 2000 and 2010: A collaborative study of the five Nordic cancer registries. Acta Path. Microbiol. Immunol. Sand. 1993; 101: Suppl. 38.

Teppo, L., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E. and Söderman, B.: Suomalaisen syöpäpotilaan elossaoloennuste. Duodecim 1993; 109: 917-925. (in Finnish)


Kubik, A., Hakulinen, T., Reissigova, J. and Luostarinen, T.: Lung cancer and smoking in Finland and the Czech Republic. Recent trends and predictions. Neoplasma 1992; 39: 177-184.

Lampi, P., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E. and Teppo, L.: Cancer incidence following chlorophenol exposure in a community in Southern Finland. Arch. Environ. Health 1992; 47: 167-175.

Lampi, P., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E. and Teppo, L.: Vastine edelliseen. (Author's reply to a letter to the Editor on a paper published by Lampi et al. in Duodecim 1991: 107: 702-710). Duodecim 1992; 108: 198-199. (in Finnish)


Lampi, P., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E. and Teppo, L.: Kloorifenolialtistukseen liittyvä syöpävaara eteläsuomalaisessa kunnassa. Duodecim 1991; 107: 702-710. (in Finnish)

Lampi, P., Hakulinen, T., Luostarinen, T., Pukkala, E. and Teppo, L.: Vastine edellisiin. (Letters to the Editor: "Kloorifenolialtistukseen liittyvä syöpävaara Kärkölässä" and "Oliko Kärkölän juomavedessä kloorifenolia?"). Duodecim 1991; 107: 1458-1459. (in Finnish)


Hakulinen, T., Kenward, M., Luostarinen, T., Oksanen, H., Pukkala, E., Söderman, B. and Teppo, L.: Suomalaisten syöpä. Alueittainen kehitys 1954-2008. Suomen Syöpäyhdistyksen julkaisuja No. 42. Suomen Syöpärekisteri, Syöpätautien Tutkimussäätiö. Helsinki 1989. (in Finnish, with English summary)

Hakulinen, T., Kenward, M., Luostarinen, T., Oksanen, H., Pukkala, E., Söderman, B. and Teppo, L.: Cancer in Finland in 1954-2008. Incidence, mortality and prevalence by region. Cancer Society of Finland publictions No. 42. Finnish Cancer Registry, Finnish Foundation for Cancer Research. Helsinki 1989.